Tuesday, October 13, 2009

"What's Doin' With Diefenbaker?" volume 3 - post 10/13/09 band practice

Not much been doin' in Diefenland lately (isn't it great how you can add Diefen- as a prefix to pretty much anything and it rules?). Due to out-of-town guests visiting and general need-to-work-on-music-stuffs-outside-of-band-practice-ness, we've only logged one significant band practice since the last "what's doin'" post, plus a couple lil' short aborted ones. Tonight was a return to form, at least from my perspective. I actually bothered to readjust the distortion settings on my amp before band practice so it actually didn't sound like actual shit, so that was one thing. Also, we've pretty much agreed to not worry about keyboard parts during practice, thereby freeing Shari up to concentrate on the lyrics and vocal performance, which makes the whole experience more enjoyable and, thereby, more sustainable for everyone involved. The keyboard parts will still be worked on, of course... just outside of the "band practice" setting, similar to the way I've been working on new songs. Less pressure, less people standing in a corner with a guitar strapped to them with nothing to do for long stretches of time...

Minutiae that may be of interest:
- It's been cooler lately so I was wearing a hat whilst playing guitar. Lots of fun!
- Yuri, for whatever reason, seems to love band practice (I thought it was because she's old and can't hear anymore, but that theory was disproven), so she was in the room the entire time... she seemed to sleep through most of it, though... take that as you will.
- There was a brief discussion, both before and during practice, about the usefulness of writing lyrics on the toilet (see above image).

Songs played:
"It's Not So Easy For Everyone" (lyrics and music: Borneman) (run through twice... Verdict: much improved vocals, just about perfect)

"(Untitled new song)" (lyrics: Fedak, music: Borneman) (messed around with, discussed... Verdict: a work in progress...)

"Interstate 80" (lyrics: Borneman, music: Borneman/Fedak)(run through once with new rhythm track and new coda added to end, tried something different with vocals on new ending... Verdict: agreed that the whole thing needs to be played faster... other than that, we're on our way)

Here's some rough worktape audio of the above-mentioned "(Untitled new song)": Doo da doo da doo da DOO doo doo

Everyone who reads this post and doesn't comment shall be banned from Diefenbaker's backstage coke parties once we get famous.

Rick Diefenbaker